The unique feature of NJLM is that it assists
researchers/authors in presentation of their work. If author has undertaken original research
or want to report an interesting case, they are invited to choose from the following options.
A. Authors
Who Prepare Their Manuscript Themselves |
The manuscript should be drafted by the researcher/author.
The process of submission and peer review follows a standardised
format. For further details click
here. |
B. Authors
Who Need Help With Preparation Of Their Manuscript |
For further details read below: |
for Original article or Case report: |
If you have undertaken original research or have observed
an unusual case, but are yet to write an article, we (NJLM)
can assist you in the following way.
(Note: For authors who do not want assistance
from NJLM to write article, please follow the link to author
You need to write the draft outline (2000 words) of your
article focusing on the aims, objectives, methods, results
and provide a brief discussion. With reference to a Case
report the draft outline should be about 500 words with
pictures inserted, if necessary.
Your focus should be on the content and not on the style,
drafting format, English nuances, elaborate references
and/or introduction.
Include a few salient references in your draft outline
which closely link to your study. If the methodology followed
or the analysis done by you is not a standardised format
please include appropriate supporting references.
Your draft outline should be submitted at
NJLM PrePublishing.
Thereafter an email should be sent to requesting the uptake of service and quoting the
manuscript number.
While submitting your draft outline please remember to:
- Send the draft as a word document (.doc) file attachment
- Statistical
data in Excel worksheet (.exl) file attachment
- Explanation
of the coding of the data sheet as a Word document
(.doc) file attachment.
- The precise
outcome variables you want us to study or analyse
and how you would like the statistics to be done in
a word document (.doc) attachment.
- Send the references in the pdf format as an attachment
(if available freely on the web, the link URL can
be forwarded to us, typed at the end of the draft
outline word document).
- Send the Declaration of the authors signed and scanned
as a pdf file attachment.
After this NJLM services will do the statistical work if
needed. Correspondence will be maintained with the
author to understand better the needs of author as to
how they want the statistics to be done. After
completion NJLM will send you the results. You can then
write your analysis and send us the draft outline with
results and discussion.
The editorial board will screen the draft and inform the
author whether the draft is likely to go ahead for peer
review. If the editorial board feels that the draft lacks
the minimum information required or is not acceptable
for publication the author will be informed via email.
If accepted, it will be sent out for peer review.
We believe that the peer review process can be started
at this stage as this helps to cut down on the time required
for actual publication and helps the authors to write
their discussion and conclusion better.
The draft outline with the comments of the peer reviewers
will be sent it back to you.
You can then write the Final Content Draft and submit it
or request NJLM to do it.
This draft will be re-screened by the editorial board and
based on the feed back of peer reviewers the editorial board
will decide to finally accept or reject the article. The
decision will be communicated to the corresponding author.
If accepted, next step will follow.
The final proof reading, fixing of bibliography and correction
if necessary in grammar and spelling will be done by NJLM
as per our standard requirement.
After corrections the final daft will be published in the
next available slot in NJLM.
To know the details for the same (charges, Timeline, Conditions,
Payment Options, Policy on refund etc) , authors are requested
to write to
quoting their manuscript number.
Charges are different for different type of manuscripts. And in
case of improvement service vary with the amount of work
Payment Options Click Here.
for Case report : Option two
for private practitioners) |
If you have encountered an interesting
case or feel you have hit upon something novel or rare,
please share the same with us. You may either send an
email mentioning your complete name and address or use
your letter head to type it or write it legibly. (E-mail
is definitely the preferred mode for quicker responses.)
Our researchers
we will undertake a literature search and inform the editorial
board of the relevance of the observation, finding, or case
based on the reports in the indexed medical literature.
The editorial board will then use this information in addition
to their experience and decide whether or not to publish
the Case report.
Based on the review
of literature done NJLM will suggest a checklist of points
that you will need to cover in the article.
Writing the content:
You can then write a crude draft of the article. In this
manner you can communicate your visualization of the new
finding in the light of information that is already present.
However, if you are very busy, then you may provide us with
the information necessary. List according to the check points,
your findings and send it to us. We will get a rough draft
made by our researchers and send it for peer review.
Our peer reviewers
will provide meaningful comments and suggest improvements.
The professionals involved in peer review process are outside
the editorial board of NJLM and are blinded to the authors.
Based on this,
you can redraft the article. Alternatively, we can redraft
your article if you have chosen the relevant option.
We will then insert
the bibliography (based on the references accumulated by
us and/or provided by you) and send the article to our English
editors to work on the language and style.
Our English editors
will draft the article according to the style of the journal.
The final daft
will be published in the next available slot in NJLM.
To know the details for the same (charges, Timeline, Conditions,
Payment Options, Policy on refund etc) , authors are requested
to write to
quoting their manuscript number.
Charges are different for different type of manuscripts. And in
case of improvement service vary with the amount of work
Final Content Draft |
This refers to the final draft which includes all components
of the article with appropriate insertion of bibliography,
figures and tables.
It may be however deficient in the following aspects:
- Bibliography
not formatted according to the desired style - only provided
as a list.
- The style
of writing ordinary, requiring improvement in grammar or/and
usage of mixed American and UK English.
- The authors
names, affiliations etc. provided, but not formatted in
the standardised style required by the journal
- Material
for tables and legend provided, but not formatted according
to standardised style required by the journal
Of The Articles For Which Authors Utilised Paid Services |
Under all options the authors using the services will remain
the first author and guarantor of the authenticity of the
NJLM will add the names of
our researchers as one of the contributing author. This
is a non financial incentive we offer to the members of
our team.
acknowledge and follow the EMWA guidelines for role of medical
writers in peer review journals. (
Stand alone Services |
At time authors wish to have only a single service like
English Editorial service, Statistical Service etc. They
can write to NJLM editorial and such service can also be
Under no circumstances what so ever will NJLM accept to publish
an article without merit and peer review. |
Updated : 19 Feb 2012 |
Published : 5 Feb 2007 |